archive 1 | large artwork

'Quarantine Color Calendar' 2020
44x22" stretched canvas with naturally dyed wool patchwork flat mounted
Jersey City, NJ - made while in quarantine summer of 2020
Naturally dyed wool patchwork using various foraged/sourced/found botanical items, such as: pokeberry, goldenrod, aster, mushrooms, elderberry, sagebrush, cherry blossom tree wood, forsythia, red wine, hibiscus, rose petals, coreopsis, marigold, avocado stones, pomegranate, walnut hull, pinecones, wild blackberries, sycamore bark, mugwort, and much more
'Atacama Flower Quilt' 2020
33x43" hand-pieced silk quilt, backed with undyed natural cotton
Atacama Desert, Chile - made while in residency with La Wayaka Current
Naturally dyed with various flowers, clay, algarrobo tree sap, and cactus seeds from the desert
'Carlos' Garden' 2020
36x36" stretched silk
Atacama Desert, Chile - made while in residency with La Wayaka Current
Naturally dyed silk using fallen malva blooms from Carlos' garden
'Heat' 2020
36x36" stretched silk
Atacama Desert, Chile - made while in residency with La Wayaka Current
Naturally dyed silk using Andean ayrampo cactus seed dye
'Earth' 2020
36x36" stretched silk
Atacama Desert, Chile - made while in residency with La Wayaka Current
Naturally dyed silk using clay, salt, sand, and dirt
'Symbiosis' 2020
36x36" stretched silk
Atacama Desert, Chile - made while in residency with La Wayaka Current
Naturally dyed silk using cachiyuyo (saltbush), tarwi (Andean lupine), tiquilia atacamensis (crinklemat), and cistanthe celestoides succulent
'Human Element' 2020
36x36" stretched silk and found materials
Atacama Desert, Chile - made while in residency with La Wayaka Current
Naturally dyed silk using cistanthe celestoides succulent, with found desert deteriorated plastics