Pre-scoured and mordanted silk charmeuse, sold by the yard, and ready to dye with natural dyes of your choosing!
Can be purchased in maximum of 3 continuous yards (as 3yd is the maximum that I can prepare at one time.) For example, if you purchase 4 yards, you can receive 3 yards continuous + 1 yard.
Lux white 19.5mm silk charmeuse fabric (medium weight and mostly opaque, shiny front/matte back), 43" width
Silk is scoured with soda ash, and then mordanted with alum (potassium aluminum sulfate) @ 10-15% wof
Often times the scouring and mordanting process can be intimidating and tedious, especially if you are just beginning to work with natural dyes. If fabrics are not properly pre-fixed, dye results may not show up, or may wash out quickly and fade, which can be discouraging when you are just starting out.
I decided to make this offering available to all who are looking to experiment with natural dyes, and who may not have the time to invest in the pre-fixing process right now.
***Please reach out prior to purchase with any questions or concerns, as I am unable to accept returns or exchanges on this item. You can email me directly at mprovost323@gmail.com
Please allow 10-15 business days for processing, as the pre-fixing process can be time consuming.
Happy dyeing :-)